
The strange woman, what is strange about this woman? Why do men really need deliverance from this particular type of woman? Proverbs 2:16-19; 5:3-23; 6:23-35; 7:1-27. In the first episode, we discussed the evil man DELIVER HER FROM THE WAY OF THE EVIL MAN. Proverbs 2:12-15, we analysed certain issues about the strange man. All for the sole reason to enlighten our sisters. In this episode, we are helping ourselves. When you carefully study the book of Proverbs and, to be precise, from chapter one to chapter seven, the Bible dedicated a huge percentage to talk about the strange woman and very few percentages to the evil man. Why is this woman strange? She is strange because everything about her is a mystery. It is impossible to understand her without deep discernment. No one really can understand this woman. To be able to beat her at her game, you need divine intervention from heaven. Paul the apostle said in Ephesians 1:18a, “The eyes of your understanding are being enlightened.” This means that what we usually see is not the right explanation we give. May I state that this post is not referring to anyone, but it is to address the evil spirit of the end time that is making men of valour err.

To understand the strange woman, let us study, for a very short time, the life of the writer of most of the chapters in Proverbs. Solomon was the son of the great king David. King David fought many battles and won many territories. In fact, Solomon’s reign was simple. Solomon inherited greatness, and he actually took greatness to another level by becoming the greatest and wisest king ever.

This is the only king who dedicated a temple to God. God Himself came down, and His glory filled the temple so that the priest could not enter. Fire came down and consumed the burnt offerings. God appeared to him at night in Gibeon and granted him everything a man could ever want (1 Kings 3).

But Solomon inherited something from his father, King David, that most people would not even consider serious. I keep saying it with no apology reserved,

“what happened to your father/mother will repeat itself in your life if you don’t pray your way and break loose from that.”

David had issues with women, but Solomon took it to a higher level with just only 700 wives and 300 concubines. With this great visitation and encounters with God, what really went wrong in Solomon’s life? This question narrows down to one simple answer. The Strange Woman!

1Kings 11:1-5

But king Solomon loved many strange women, together with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites; Of the nations concerning which the Lord said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall not go into them, neither shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods: Solomon clave unto these in love. And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines: and his wives turned away his heart. For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father.

Who is a Strange Woman? Defining the strange woman is a very difficult task, but those who have been affected by their activities can tell you, it was a Bitter Experience! The strange woman is that person that enters your life, and everything changes from better to worse instead of best. The strange woman is the destiny killer specifically placed by the enemy to alter the destinies of great men. The strange woman interferes in your walk with God. The strange woman upholds sin and justifies it.

The strange woman in the Valley of Sorek Valley Of Sorek. The strange woman is the fragmentary of a soul through sex THE FRAGMENTED SOUL. “SEX!”

 Here lies the bitter truth; the strange woman has entered the church with a strange spirit. The devil understands that Christian brothers are becoming alerted and hardly fall prey to their trap. They now come inside the house of God to trap brothers that lack the Spirit of Discernment! Yes, the Bible says “Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee: Proverbs 2:1”

They camouflage it is difficult to detect them and totally impossible to detect them by your own strength. You can only save yourself when God is involved in your life. The modern-day church has lost its original vision and purpose, so it is rare to see a church with the sound doctrine. We have now substituted sound doctrine with disco messages, rap messages, comedy sections, long music sections, and a very very short prayer and message time. The sound doctrine that should enable our brothers to live a holy and righteous life is now watered down. That is why we have a slogan like “Come as You Are and Remain as You Want.” All these effects boil down to people who are powerless both spiritually and doctrine-wise.

 Characteristics of the Strange Woman


  1. Her Physical Appearance: The appearance of the strange woman can be deceiving, but it is very evident. A leopard cannot change his spots. She is dressed in a particularly enticing way. Sex appeal attire, to make you lust and fall for her traps. Her looks, steps, and body language are all attractive, but her mission is to waste great lives. The strange woman flatters with her words Proverbs 2:16, 7:5. She’s a smooth talker, she can talk you into anything. She’s a covenant violator Proverbs 2:17. She’s loud, stubborn, never in one place, dressed in the attire of a harlot, and seductive.

May I state that people dress in accordance with the season and this has nothing to do with them. But remember MODESTY IS KEY & YOU WILL BE ADDRESSED THE WAY YOU ARE DRESSED!!! What I am discussing here is these particular classes of people that dress only to get the attention of men. The Jezebel spirit.

  1. Her Physical Path: Now, brothers, you are not justified if you are caught in the trap of the strange woman because they have a known path. You should never be found in their territory because you will definitely fall prey to their snare. Psalm 1:1-6. What are the paths (ways) of the strange woman? Some brothers know very well that this particular lady is dressing in a seductive way, giving some tips and a strange feeling, and they decide to go visit alone! What are they expecting, Bible study section?

Proverbs 5:5 says “Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold of death.” Proverbs 1-end explains her path. The writer saw among the simple a Young Man void of Understanding. The young man was passing through her street, going the way of her house. These days many people blame the devil for their own actions.

“If you don’t want to eat the forbidden fruit, stay away from the forbidden tree.” It is that simple! The strange woman will tell you exciting and sweet words Proverbs 7:31-21. She will navigate through the path of death for a sole reason to trap a man.

  1. Her Spiritual Damnation: Her end is bitter, Proverbs 7:22-27; 2:18-19; 5:4-5. The sole purpose of the strange woman is to leave bitterness and sorrow behind her path, where there is a permanent regret.

The spiritual consequences finally lead to the physical one. Already, the spiritual effects are countless; they meet in the fire for God and leave you empty. They are sent on a mission to de-anoint you from grace to grass, palace to prison and from greatness to emptiness leading to irreversible death in every area of your life.

  1. The Physical Consequences: The strange woman brings a cascade of events. One thing leads to another when one is involved with the strange woman. The final consequences are evident and no more hidden death in every aspect of life.

I knew one man who could carry different women and maltreat his wife and kids. But something strange happened to this man, he is a civil servant and worked for over thirty years. During those years of labor, he fell into the hands of one woman, bought land and built a house in her name. Immediately after this ordeal, the strange woman chased him out. As we are talking now he is in the streets of Lagos jumping from one slum to another. He gave his life to a stranger and she successfully destroyed him.

The lesson from the strange woman is so vast, the consequences are broad. But there are hope “promises of a new beginning” go back to God and reason with Him “come let us reason together.”

Do not allow the pleasures you think you are enjoying now to destroy God’s plan and purpose for your life. Now is the appointed time, now is the hour of salvation. Take away the garment of sin, get wisdom, it is the principal things. In all you have, attain understanding. It is not about jumping and vibrating, the Bible says “watch and pray!” We are in the end times, brothers. Please Take away your Garments that are stained with sin and be washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Remember James 1:13-16, the cascade starts from the heart through Lust. Then when lust gives birth to Sin and sin finally delivers a bouncing fatal Death! Death might not be physical, but of what use is a man when his destiny and ability of a man is at a zero level.

There is no accidental sin, no sudden fall. Address the issue of sin now before it addresses you in public. Handle your filthiness now before it becomes public. There is a big difference between how God sees you and how you appear before Him. Take off your garment stained with sin before it becomes too late.

The way of the strange woman is bitter. You can not go in her path andl. Samson ended his great calling because of the strange woman. Don’t fire into your bosom and expect not to get burned. You cannot be innocent if you fall into the trap of theIf you fall victim, it is because you lack understanding. If you go into her, you are killing your come back, normal, strange woman. Self.

Brother’s Fornication is a killer! “It will keep you longer than you want to stay and make you pay more than you ever bargained for.”

Proverbs 6:23 For the commandment is a lamp, and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life: To live a successful life, you must love correction. Some might say that others are living worldly lives and still making it. Remember, Before every man, there lies a vast and pleasant road that seems right but ends in death. Proverbs 14:12. You might be enjoying now, but suddenly there is an irreversible and correctable destruction to your life. Proverbs 7:23. Don’t let your heart decline in the ways of the strange woman. Go not astray in the path of the strange woman. Don’t spend your energy on women or your efforts on those who destroy kings Proverbs 31:3.

He that has an ear, let him hear; choose Life and shall Live; follow Purity and Holiness, and you will Survive.

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